Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Side Effects Of Sports Bra

Without mincing words

New Year new life, when you grab the bag and suddenly disappear from the "reality" programs, you realize you're concidind @ @ sujet the chains of mindless consumerism. Half of what we buy does not work for nothing morally. But the conditioning is so fierce, that limits your senses. And when reality changes disappear, you realize that there is humanity, people fighting for another, empathy, solidarity, good vibes and other realities that are yours and not globalized. But especially when the human being seeks ... realize that the den is full of shit, shit is not yours or the neighbor, nor the course abroad or black. "Abroad? Strange? Fear? Multiculturalism is fascinating, there is no immigrant, only you brothers and sisters, your race, the human being. When you meet with harsh realities and see people sick, unable to walk or a serious illness, return to remember that you're walking, indoors, eating, going out with friends @ s. .. living your reality and not imposed by authorities fools. You see how much you think freely outside the established dogmas and you can find your own future ... your dreams, your reality. I'm alive, I think non-dogmatic, way, see, hear, touch, breathe, and if I have no life I look for work, but I'm not chained to a gloom filled with macabre disappointment. And if you're starting to feel pressure of the chains, walking aimlessly, looking to find, because you're viv @. Human beings need to go to the search by yourself ...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Tvcenter Pinnacle Activaion

Wandering Star

"I'm a star who walks with you and shine from the depths ..."

Historically, the stars twinkling in the sky on a clear night aroused the interest of all peoples. Its meaning has been manifested in many ancient civilizations as a symbol of extreme importance. In a cloudless sky, the brightest star was the receptacle of all eyes that the sky is going.

In archaic times, the sky was star as a symbol indicative of the occurrence of a future king or emperor. In popular belief, birth the great sovereign was always preceded by a star agent. Therefore, the star is the quintessential symbol of royalty and is linked not only to the sky but also the ground that the sovereign power exercised over the land. This was the case with the rulers of Babylon, Assyria and Rome.

trio of "stars", the brightest in the sky.


Egypt was also in that symbolism, as known to all is the vital importance that the inhabitants gave the overflow of the Nile, whose waters fertilize the land year after year your oasis black river event that their lives depended. We also know that the beginning of the flooding was announced by the appearance astronomically in this the star known as Shotis (Sirius), star dedicated to the goddess Isis. For them, this was the time of the origin of the world when the great goddess rose over the horizon.

also in Jewish culture, fever astrological about the Messiah announced by a star, he also had prophetic support their sacred texts: "a star out of Jacob, a scepter shall rise from Israel ;...." (Numbers 24, 17,19) and Isaiah: "And nations to the light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn " and Testament (Levi, 18-3) "Your star will rise like a king ".

Thus, the star was to appear when the Messiah was born in Israel.

This climate linked to the star, would not cease with the appearance of it, but that the same state of war of the Jews against the Romans, Simon Bar Kosiba, in 135, changed its name to Bar Kochba, meaning "son of the star."
And so it was that, as cultural beliefs Association, was held from the earliest times to the birth of Jesus was also announced by a star, because if the way of narrating the birth of a hero is always something wonderfully behaved, Star of Bethlehem is part of the wonder of the birth of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew. (Mt.27: 11) "... we saw his star in the east."



But the star, as a form of advertising or manifest the divine, is also the place where , precisely the divinity down to reincarnate.

Hence the common in our culture to embody the star of Bethlehem over the manger transferring its rays the newborn Child.



would talk thus to simplify two ways of manifesting the star, or rather, two different stars.

The first is the star that guided the Magi, which shows us the way forward, which tells us the imminent manifestation in our world of divinity. And the second is the same god in heaven and from which it falls to the ground for embodied.

the absence of attributes to define themselves, differentiate from one another is a delicate task, making it easy to stop at the first mistaking it for the second



In Romanesque statues and images, we represented a variety of stars, both as the guiding face of birth differ in shapes and sizes and also the number of terminations. In this study, we observed a prominent the six-and eight-point ...

Just as in ancient Egypt the appearance of the star Sirius announced the impending birth of his son Horus, the Egyptian sun god, now the planet Venus, known to all as the morning star, also is indicative of the rising of day and impending birth of Sun rises in the east.

culture in Mesopotamian Ishtar, goddess of the sky, was associated with planet Venus as morning star , and borders of Babylon is represented by a star eight points.

The Christian litany of the rosary itself sees the Virgin Mary Stella Matutina, the morning star, Venus . Something is not strange to understand if her womb announces the birth of the sun near the Christians, the Son of God.

The Stella Matutina as starry announces first appearance urgent arrival of the sun, or second star: The Sun



* Alchemy *


The representation of the star is also a sign well known in the alchemical work.

In ancient manuscripts dealing with this art may find different images in which a star appears in the vial where the adept works to achieve the Great Work and whose attainment will be equipped with the divine Child Birth in the cave.



*... "And the star ground, torch hidden from our Nativity, will be branded as proof of the union of heaven and earth" (Fulcanelli, Dwellings of the Philosophers).

*... "is the sign of union and harmony, it is necessary to know how to perform between fire and water. Overlapping the two triangles: the Water and Fire, is formed Stella (Stella Compo), the Seal of Solomon (Sol-Om-On), the union of heaven and earth " (Louis d'Estissac).


This whole process of the alchemical work, interior while practical, imitated, reproduced, Nativity.

The appearance during the star of Bethlehem is indicative the link between heaven and earth represented by two superimposed triangles forming a star with six points , has borne fruit and the attainment of the Philosopher's Stone or "Shining Prince."

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As stated above, the Stella Matutina , star announces first appearance as the urgent arrival of the sun, or second star: Sun. Thus, the eight-pointed star is the holy nature, art can unite heaven and earth to beget the Sun and whose generation is symbolized by the visible star six points.


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could conclude by saying that the fixed stars in the sky have been used since ancient times to the orientation night on trips where the topography does not reveal the way forward. However, in the case of our star, unique origin was associated with an astronomical phenomenon, for its exceptional "rarity" and to portray themselves as wandering star in a sky full of stars aligned, we present it as a privileged . Guide that leads those who believe in it to a common goal. One goal, no doubt, full of symbolism where the main banner is love .

If astrology assumed that the stars and planets exerted an influence on the fate of people, our shooting star mark in history and a very special way, the fate of our lives.



Health and Romanesque .