Expand your wings and fly, to dream that they want us to remove, the world is frantically mental schizophrenia. And the god of money and the new parish is (Department Stores) impose their religion on legions of adectos, the oligarchy revuleca in their orgies of the new god and followers Shop New Window suck like the golden nectar ... while some @ s impassive look at the new wave, needing to return the equinoxes and the pagan festivals in the fires. Now if you eat the nougat on duty, who do not live Announce Christmas. They forgot the birth of the mother goddess and recreated a festival in which greed and hiprocresía override our senses dulled to lose that essence ... which makes us one with nature. The new god has entered the home taking away that precious human gift ... dream
The illusion should be wings on your back, not a bald announcement lottery. There are other ways of living, free-thinking is the weapon, dream, ilusionarte, live ... laugh, mortally wounded that god tax. If you can not see the stars ... fly.
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