Friday, December 11, 2009
Oprogramowanie Do Memorex Touchmp 8gb

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Painting Sheer Clothing

Often in the study of Romanesque art, we tend to associate cultural syncretism that remained in some parts of the religious world of ancient civilizations, mainly the East, occurring cultural contributions of successive hegemonic empires.
However, little or nothing has been said or written, to our knowledge, the syncretic aspects of English Roman art furnish a culture as ancient as the next, which is the Basque.
understand that your approach has to start from based on the understanding that in the old Basque religion, the supreme goddess was Ama-Lur, Maia also venerated as or Mari.
A deity concerned and involved more than anything, to regulate and assess the standards of acting in life that should be strictly enforced by men as a goddess who valued higher "sin" lying, stealing, pride, boasting, failure to their word, the lack of respect due to individuals and mutual aid.
A God who rewards those who meet these standards of conduct with the reward, once deceased, part of the night and after being guided by the moon, travel a road or path that would lead to the grotto where Mari live with her and all his ancestors, in eternal peace, happiness and abundance, but it was not that the concept that the ancient Basques were in heaven. It ran
Ama-Lur, the Mother Goddess -Law.

From the above, it is safe to infer the current facility to reconcile earned her Judeo-Christian, absorb, this Basque deity ancestors, not only for its conception of the Trinity, but both the similarity standards to act as defending obvious questions of phonetics.
And so today is the day that the Virgin Mary is called in Euskera Andra Mari, Mari Lady.
Then bring three different representations of Andra Mari:

* N ur Lady of Cabriaza -Salcedo (Alava)
. Size
appears sitting on rustic bench, decorated with individual sets of three openings with horseshoe arches on either side of it, in plain colors bull bars and rows of floral motifs, can be dated in the s. XII, although it is now presented as the result, at least two interventions restauratorias.
reflecting the inscrutable face and dress shocking contrasts with the particular sample tenderness and naturalism between her and the Child. Holding it with his left hand, gently stroke it with the right, in the meantime it, crosses her legs and lifts his face to his mother while his right hand, sustained, bless.

* Our Lady of the Oak, known popularly as "Grandma." , the convent of the Augustinian Arceniega. Virgin is a type Andra Mari oldest XII century.
. Play
model known as "Throne of Wisdom", showing a picture sitting stiffly with arms outstretched in forced angle and fired into the forehead, positioned as a Bracer, make a true "Seat of Wisdom" which accommodates Child sitial perfectly displayed touched, almost entirely, a cloak draped round, simple and rustic.
Both the crown and the head added to extend the fall of the veil and hair, tell us about an alteration of the original produced, probably in the fifteenth century in the Gothic style is international and it gets affect even their original polychrome, however respect the "incarnation" of your cheeks. The boom fervent Marian prayer obtains in the second century of the sixteenth century should be, without doubt, the cause of an adaptation of his right hand in order to be able to promote host, between the index finger and thumb, counting the rosary.

* Coming from the parish church Tuesta, be attributed to the master Elijah.
. Work
1300 in painted wood and carved hollow trunk, depicting the Virgin seated in an attitude of Queen and Mother and in the transitional Romanesque, based stiffness than sapientiae to make way for a humanization of the nascent Gothic that is seen in her perfect features, arched eyebrows and thin, slanted eyes and straight nose with a smile implanted in the mouth.
arms bent at right angles and fitting sleeves while the left hand rests on the Child, seated on his left knee by extending halda barefoot towards the right hand of Mary's slender fingers upward to hold maybe a flower, now defunct.

. * information: http://anderea2157.blogspot.com/2009/12/barukentzako- gabonetako-postcard la.html
How High To Mount Holdbacks
Monday, November 16, 2009
Hanging Curtain Tie Backs

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
What Does My Date Of My Birth About My Career

From this point of view, the Domini Maiestas is but the image of an open Theophany, the vision of God enthroned. A Christ the Redeemer, but also computer operator and Cosmos. It is the Lord of Creation, computer time and space. The world in their most recent manifestation
But, as he does not belong to the world but the world is in him, he is represented in a geometric shape that is sacred space, mystical almond, and that is only the unmanifested aspect of the Absolute. The halo is an attribute of holiness. Also distinctive of the radiated light.
And in the silence and darkness of the center, reality becomes cosmoteándrica: svm ego.
His hand is a symbol of power and dominion. Hand and a demonstration from the same root, being shown what can be touched by hand. Run right to the mandate of the Act subject to the left.
In blessing shows index and middle fingers, representing the two natures of Christ, divine and human, or He, like the reverence of life, the symbol of one that involves the paradox of the coincidence oppositorum, as is, time, stillness and dynamism, Reality and Eternity.

According Hebrew Kabbalah there are four worlds or levels ranging from the issuance of the divine idea to the physical embodiment of that idea.
. Space-
more subtle to the most dense, are known as: Emanation, Creation, Formation and Action .
whole conception of the universe goes through these four phases, all we see or feel is rooted in a flash that emanates from God.
Interestingly, in the tradition of Judeo-Christian Kabbalist give each unique conceptual parallels with some aspects of the figure of the Pantocrator of Taull:
** The "square" Christ bears white as ornaments in the chest, has a path very similar to the Hebrew letter Resh meaning "Head "and the head is always associated with Wisdom.
Theosophical In this discipline, and depending on where you place the separation between the letters, reading the first words of Genesis " Berechit Bara Elohim" can be interpreted both as "In the beginning God created", or, "God created in the Head."
** Following the same Jewish tradition, we can not help but notice that the caption block that rests on his knee, Christ proclaims "I I am the Light of the World. " The message seems clear, the Lord is the light that allows us to see in darkness and provides the hope of salvation.
But, as we said before, we can not help but notice that the Hebrew word light has a different concept. Its meaning is "Almendra" receiving this term as the seed or fruit interior bone that holds the nucleus of the tree. ("The Book of Adam" Carlos del Tilo).
In this case we could read: "I am the seed of the World", meaning Christ as the seed or grain that covers and protects inside the origin of life.
** Also, and for the moment, we know of no other Maiestas whose clothes have a color equal to that of the Pantocrator of Taüll; colors passing through the pure blue tunic , gray interior dress mixed with white and mottled with red.
We emphasize that color, since it is a curious fact that in the kabbalistic tree of life, the area that could link to the second person of the Christian Trinity (Son), boasts a range of colors that match the robes curiously Christ, namely : pure blue, gray and white spotted iridescent red. ("Handbook Qabalísitico Symbolism, Gareth Knight).
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may all be the product of coincidence, but if not, there would be cause for suspect that our beloved Master Taull may have good knowledge of the Judeo-Christian cabal in those centuries was practiced in the Jewish population of our country, and especially in the Catalan area.
Perhaps in this possible case, the Master of Taull could be a Jewish native of the area, this possibility, we suspect, has never yet been contemplated.

Health and Romanesque. Pantocrator of TAULL
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Minnetonka Moccasin Mn
Although the representation of the biblical passage of Abraham's sacrifice is common in our Roman art, few studies that have addressed the origins of the archetypal symbolism from the perspective of different cultures archaic for understanding the essence its meaning and, thereby, help relocate the signifier of its use in that precise time of the Middle Ages, explaining.
Let's start by stating that every sacrifice meant the institutionalization of a new order, in that the primitive man would resort to it only as a last resort, when all the steps made to the gods, demons or witches, with In order to remove a condition, had failed. His conception of suffering is attributable only to the divine will, and because it intervenes directly to produce it, and because it allows other forces cause it.
. .
Therefore, from a formal point of view, the representation of the sacrifice of Abraham but would not be a cultural reference to the traditional conception of archaic civilizations, in which the first child was regarded as the god and was, through his sacrifice, and was returned to the divinity that belonged only to her, restoring and regenerating the established order the flow of sacred energy in the cosmos.
And in a sense, also Isaac was the son of a god, because "the Lord did for Sarah what he had promised" (Gen. 21.1), sexual connotation as sentence used to save the memory East of the archaic custom of girls spend a night in the temple to be fertilized by the God, or his representative or "sent."
As is well known, the sacrifice of Isaac was over, at the request of God, with the exchange of young by a ram.
A myth, in parallel, as occurs in Euripides, in his "Iphigenia in Aulis" says the passage demands that the goddess that is offered in sacrifice the daughter of King Agamemnon, Iphigenia, but like Isaac, the order of the goddess, in the last minute ordering the killing of a deer instead.
. . ........................... is brought to sacrifice Isaac. Tarragona Cathedral

. The sacrifice of Isaac holds a theophany, simply.
In Canaan, Isaac means "laughable."
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Blenders And Male Masterbation
. Almendres Parish. Symbolism portal
Merindad almost going off the Cuesta-Urria at the end of a narrow winding road and covered by the foot of the Sierra de la Tesla, resists up, challenging weather, the church of San Millán Abad.
The arches of your portal is made up of four tiers of arches in which are carved a series of curious configurations, and symbolical description of which is the task of our work.
interesting start for his entrance arch, which consists of six segments, where there are medallions inscribed with their corresponding symbols:
In the first, two birds with long necks triply bonded knot close to the peak holding their own tails. Behind them, there is a tap with his head turned in fulfilling its mission as guardian of sacred place.
Then a symmetrical pair of medallions, where about two-headed serpentine bodies emerge that have just faced, recalling, perhaps, an attitude of confrontation of forces.
the segments still pointing the bow. And in them, a lion, and between their legs, a human head seems to have been regurgitated by the end of the animal whose ending seems to show jaws with teeth. .
In addition, a significant interlocking stem with leaves inside that opens to both sides as if evoke the salvation of the cross motif.
The following representation is our favorite, and which, because of its flowcharting and wildness, is perhaps the most difficult to recognize: .
After an apparent simple ornament, the figure of the two natures praying controlling groundwater, symbolized by two huge fish emerge from the abyss to be subject to the central figure that contains after its manifestation.
a transcendent message that has given rise to multiple representations, which are generally poorly understood, on the double-tailed mermaid. Evolution forked tail of the mermaid, is shown here with amazing clarity.
Finally, distributed among the medallions final evocation of the monster appears from the depths, out of which emerges the body of a human being.
is the rite of passage where the belly of the monster plays the role of the Ark, because in the darkness of her womb the man reborn as new, to be vomited. The feedback message after a deep dive is evident.
All of this input archivolt positivism are the implications of sacrifice and introspection, we can define global reading as a moral message about the spiritual regeneration.
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In the second arch, a little wider than the previous one, we first find three figures who stand with their hands clasped in token of contrition. Could be of devout believers.
And in the central blocks, two apostles with their heads smashed. Peter is left showing the keys and possibly Paul, the apostles considered the pillars of the Church. And behind them, occupying almost the entire left side, appears tied captive in feet and neck, a clear warning to the sin that enslaves. .
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And in the last arc illustrated, we have a curious ambivalence, positive and negative configurations are interspersed in a set order.
The central segments, are on the right, although badly damaged, "a couple holiday, a musician playing an instrument (probably rebec) and his partner, dancer-acrobat, in a possible allegory of the carefree life that remains away from the believer's spiritual seriousness.
At his side appears, from the waist, a woman may mermaid holding a fish in each hand and / or a mirror, meaning here is figurative, as indicative of the powerful temptation to sensual pleasures of the world , which are illusory for the spirit.
Flanking this central segments, is an angel who appears to warn of the dangers in this world we lurk. Perhaps advised not to fall into bad habits out above.
and faced the angel, a beautiful plant ornaments are in perfect harmony. Like the angel part of the perfect achievement, but in the realm of nature. Only climbing, the stems will reach the light overcoming the danger of the Amazon worldly man harasses.
The rest of the archivolt is motivated characters and mythical animals, such as this logo very similar to the zodiacal sign of Capricorn. A goat with wings and twisting tail.
Possible allegory together three elements, earth, air and water, and where missing the fire element, which is associated with the spirit or will.
On the opposite side, left arch, is the configuration of another fantastic being composed of a winged lion sinuous thick tail.
In this case we need the earth element, representation of what limits us. Without it, the strength of the lion-excessive desire leads to obsession and delusion.
continues the series with a beautiful mermaid tail, which suggests that the attraction for its melodious song sever the Christian spirit of his Ithaca, leading him into the abyss, the place of perdition.
And finally, a long tail tap representing the two natures, body and spirit in its gross appearance. The faucet as the guardian of hidden treasures may prevent us from step toward understanding ourselves.
The chaotic and confusing state of worldly life will be soothed and balanced across the doorway and enter the interior the temple, where we await a space for meditation and peace. San Martin Almond-Burgos Merindades
To learn more and better: http://pallaferro.blogspot.com/2009/08/almendres-iglesia-de-san- millan-abad.html .
Health and Romanesque. Almendres Cristobal. Merindades-Burgos-