One of the unfinished business of this world, is empathy towards everything and everyone s . As if anarchy beyond disguise, the strongest destroy the weak. It has not even begun the environmental summit, which together whenever I find most pathetic and you're busted. U.S. and China, neither more nor less, but ... Did we expect anything different? Can we expect empathy, humility and sincerity of those who govern us? I would urge them to read Sir Thomas More, Tommaso Campanella Plato and his magnificent work "Sun City" The hypocrisy of power is again evident in these meetings egos. There are many people who hear the desperate cry of this world, torn by their propylene @ s hij @ s and power in the wrong hands is a weapon of mass destruction ... It states in its Web NASA cry ...
http://climate.nasa.gov/ (in English)
As Macaco says in his song "Hear the call of mamatierra" We need a rebellion of dogmatic thinking which proclaim our leaders do not need puppets if not empathy, love for our Mother Earth. Do not listen to the soul that cry of despair? Tod @ s hij @ s are of mamatierra, Tod @ s should defend it. This video has always seemed spectacular, the singing of the Pachamama Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-6eKroZeIg
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