Three evils announced, we knew that this country would collapse by the foundations, sooner or later the economy and suicide system would tear the entrails of a country. The pity is that always the mism @ s , broken families whose members are all unemployed and people wandering the streets without knowing where to look for food for his family. Conformity, here in this country that everyone seems fleecy mass, nobody, not even the unions supposed that should assist the Tabajaras are silent, students, the power of the people, all silent and give that are driven like herds. And the system, a cruel slave invección to create schedules and wipe out human beings that seeks ... dreams have died, the madness of genius gave way to trash television, but some @ s look life as a box of chocolates, paradox, illusion, hope and a touch of madness.
Fear permeates the streets, tod @ s run aimlessly after the god of money. Nosce te ipsum, have no fear.
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