Monday, November 16, 2009

Hanging Curtain Tie Backs

One of the unfinished business of this world, is empathy towards everything and everyone s . As if anarchy beyond disguise, the strongest destroy the weak. It has not even begun the environmental summit, which together whenever I find most pathetic and you're busted. U.S. and China, neither more nor less, but ... Did we expect anything different? Can we expect empathy, humility and sincerity of those who govern us? I would urge them to read Sir Thomas More, Tommaso Campanella Plato and his magnificent work "Sun City" The hypocrisy of power is again evident in these meetings egos. There are many people who hear the desperate cry of this world, torn by their propylene @ s hij @ s and power in the wrong hands is a weapon of mass destruction ... It states in its Web NASA cry ...

As Macaco says in his song "Hear the call of mamatierra" We need a rebellion of dogmatic thinking which proclaim our leaders do not need puppets if not empathy, love for our Mother Earth. Do not listen to the soul that cry of despair? Tod @ s hij @ s are of mamatierra, Tod @ s should defend it. This video has always seemed spectacular, the singing of the Pachamama Http://

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What Does My Date Of My Birth About My Career

Notes on the figure of Christ Pantocrator Taüll Domini

The sacred meaning of the symbol can only be seen by who has experience in the sacred, as is the reverence of the world that determines the significance of the images and not vice versa. The symbol, therefore, express the unspeakable.

From this point of view, the Domini Maiestas is but the image of an open Theophany, the vision of God enthroned. A Christ the Redeemer, but also computer operator and Cosmos. It is the Lord of Creation, computer time and space. The world in their most recent manifestation

But, as he does not belong to the world but the world is in him, he is represented in a geometric shape that is sacred space, mystical almond, and that is only the unmanifested aspect of the Absolute. The halo is an attribute of holiness. Also distinctive of the radiated light.

And in the silence and darkness of the center, reality becomes cosmoteándrica: svm ego.

His hand is a symbol of power and dominion. Hand and a demonstration from the same root, being shown what can be touched by hand. Run right to the mandate of the Act subject to the left.
In blessing shows index and middle fingers, representing the two natures of Christ, divine and human, or He, like the reverence of life, the symbol of one that involves the paradox of the coincidence oppositorum, as is, time, stillness and dynamism, Reality and Eternity.


The almond or sacred space is divided in two sizes, higher or actively intervenes where the will of God (Trinitarian triangle as the fullness of cosmic order that sentence unity of the Trinity and also the ternary division of Unit) and the bottom or passive part which sits rational organization (square- perfect four cardinal points, the four rivers of Eden, the four evangelists, the four elements of universal creation. The macrocosm)
is the Axis mundi that allows the union of Heaven and Earth that allows Creation to manifest as Unity and Self
The sum of the sides of the triangle plus the square, add up to seven, the famous sevenfold, mystical number and repeated excellence like no other innumerable symbols (gifts of the Holy Spirit, seven churches, seven seals, etc. .) In this case, we want to emphasize in the first seven days of Genesis, which lead to the complete cycle of the creation of the world, the sphere, the microcosm, where Christ sits feet and where the germ of life is dormant.
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From the head of Christ emanates strongly the cruciferous nimbus, and where, evidently, the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet hanging as a balance of horizontal blade of the cross. We show here a psicostásis transferring the concept of weighing cosmic soul, the Alpha, first of all manifested life is balanced with Omega final place of darkness and hidden where life is epic. Is a reference to the universal wholeness.
psicostàsis is a global and eternal, whose understanding and balance between both forces is only possible through God, whose omnipotence is the only one who can set and override the start and end.

According Hebrew Kabbalah there are four worlds or levels ranging from the issuance of the divine idea to the physical embodiment of that idea.
. Space-
more subtle to the most dense, are known as:
Emanation, Creation, Formation and Action .

whole conception of the universe goes through these four phases, all we see or feel is rooted in a flash that emanates from God.

Interestingly, in the tradition of Judeo-Christian Kabbalist give each unique conceptual parallels with some aspects of the figure of the Pantocrator of Taull:

** The "square" Christ bears white as ornaments in the chest, has a path very similar to the Hebrew letter Resh meaning "Head "and the head is always associated with Wisdom.

Theosophical In this discipline, and depending on where you place the separation between the letters, reading the first words of Genesis " Berechit Bara Elohim" can be interpreted both as "In the beginning God created", or, "God created in the Head."



** Following the same Jewish tradition, we can not help but notice that the caption block that rests on his knee, Christ proclaims "I I am the Light of the World. " The message seems clear, the Lord is the light that allows us to see in darkness and provides the hope of salvation.

But, as we said before, we can not help but notice that the Hebrew word light has a different concept. Its meaning is "Almendra" receiving this term as the seed or fruit interior bone that holds the nucleus of the tree. ("The Book of Adam" Carlos del Tilo).

In this case we could read: "I am the seed of the World", meaning Christ as the seed or grain that covers and protects inside the origin of life.


** Also, and for the moment, we know of no other Maiestas whose clothes have a color equal to that of the Pantocrator of Taüll; colors passing through the pure blue tunic , gray interior dress mixed with white and mottled with red.


We emphasize that color, since it is a curious fact that in the kabbalistic tree of life, the area that could link to the second person of the Christian Trinity (Son), boasts a range of colors that match the robes curiously Christ, namely : pure blue, gray and white spotted iridescent red. ("Handbook Qabalísitico Symbolism, Gareth Knight).


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may all be the product of coincidence, but if not, there would be cause for suspect that our beloved Master Taull may have good knowledge of the Judeo-Christian cabal in those centuries was practiced in the Jewish population of our country, and especially in the Catalan area.

Perhaps in this possible case, the Master of Taull could be a Jewish native of the area, this possibility, we suspect, has never yet been contemplated.


Health and Romanesque. Pantocrator of TAULL