Friday, December 17, 2010

Fireplace Remote Does Not Work

The Romanesque caganer

. These days
present we are in a playful environment where they prepare these feasts whose purpose is to strengthen the fraternal ties or family.

Interestingly, as in any other communal meal, ingestion of this food festival is a formal action with pleasure and solemnity that is accepted in public. Against, and once passed through our stomach, removal of the dish becomes a ritual solo, intimate and strictly private.

is shocking, that being the first act for ourselves allows us to "create" something tangible, always try to avoid talking about this action, since it normally see something vulgar, rude and disrespectful.

Perhaps that is why artistic representations character of your body expelling the gross matter are virtually non-existent, at least openly.

But ... it has always been the case?


* Et in manger, ego

Since the beginning of the traditional stalls and next to that stage where we remember the birth of Christ, there is a prominent and essential element in all of Catalan nativity price: amazing figurine of a man who crouched and bare buttocks, imperturbable meet their physiological needs outdoor the caganer.


What first glance may seem an irreverence toward religious belief is not.

The figurine, on the other hand accepted by the church reminds us of the work of manuring the land, to become fruitful and secure the revival for next year. All with health and peace of body and soul that gives us the action taken. The caganer

witnessing a consistent Liberamente word and gesture, a familiar nod intended to clear the ground for a new society, bold, lucid and human. It is an obscenity in modern times, but a real and organic part of a vast and complex world. And it can only appear as a crude joke when it separated from the context or interpreted according to the times.

has been much speculation about the symbolism of that character. Go here a few phrases which illustrate a curious tradition

* "The caganer symbolizes cosmic indifference contrasts with the spiritual motivation for the greatest mystery of mankind, the birth of the redeemer." (Xavier Fàbregas)

* "The caganer is identified with the Catalan character, because, despite the momentous events occurring at that time, the character does not waste time and is dedicated to saving on fertilizers" (Joan de Deu Domènech).

* "The figure of caganer deposition performed with a work prior to the coming of the Redeemer to the earth, cleansing of the rabble of heathen gods" (JMPuig i Roca).

* "caganer The figure is related to the great pagan festivals and food with which they celebrated the winter solstice, and is the personification of the excesses committed. " (Isidre Vallès).

* "The caganer done in the micro model of crib domestic as well as many Catalans worship the holy things while spending much of their time cursing at them." (Manel Delgado).

* "The caganer was the most mischievous and most ill-suited to the idyllic landscape of Bethlehem, was" the other ", with all the consequences and" other " was accepted as proof of donation, provided it does not intend to occupy the foreground. The caganer revientafiestas represented in all of us. " (Agustí Pons).

Anyway, it's something that reminds us essentially all are equal before God, because "King shit, shit shit Pope and no one escapes"


.. Happy, happy meal ....

........................ Christmas

+ +

Saturday, November 13, 2010

White Spots In Gums After Tooth Is Pulled

eagles nest perched

"In Jan, this fragmentalio
friend that his art has us constantly virtual check"

In the history of civilizations, the games have been, originally, something very different from a simple distraction profane, and chess, in particular, one of those where traces of sacred origin have been harder.

However, the term "checkerboard" of chess, or "rock-breaking" for tacos, is used in several disciplines. Referred to pavements, is already ruined Cástulo (Linares) and is achieved with river pebbles, small and homogeneous, white and gray. It is also used as a resource on mural painting and in heraldry, where a checkerboard or divided headquarters is symbolic of battle, strategy, nobility, generosity, authority and record the value.

In architecture, a chessboard is a decorative geometric motif. We refer to it when we in archivolts, cornices or some other element of the temples those typical ornaments that remind us of the chessboard.

The arrangement of rock-breaking, in straight bands alternately lowered and highlighted, might respond, in its symbolic aspect, the juxtaposition of white and black, representing light and darkness, the day and night, that is, all pairs of opposite or complementary.

know that originally, the board opposing colors were white and red, but then it finally ended up being displaced by the color black. In any case

and within its sacred meaning, chess is a sample testimonial of the dual standby, which is only activated, in-game event with the participation of a third element: the rationale acting under a law, strategy, binding site between the profane and the sacred instinct intuition.

In the Middle Ages, and since its introduction in the West by the Arabs, chess was one of the most fashionable courtly entertainment, and although the game itself had been evolving since then, still possessed a clear reference war. Somehow
connect the board and its parts as a reflection of the social environment of people and their daily struggle for life.

In the field of political ideology, this game betrayed the message of the concept of kingship which coincided with his political project: So the king, military commander embody the "Madam of the army"; horses seríann "the knights made by King cabdiellos mandated to order the army Azes" the rocks, "chariots" and bishops, "Kings elephants that used to weigh in battles." While for the ordinary man medieval chess enclosed all a microcosm of society, which could act as a god, having the fate of humans.

During these centuries, the vestiges of a sacred character that chess had remained alive. Its secrecy and attractive, even addictive, boosted his popularity and was no longer exclusive to a few scholars who exercised their minds to extrapolate the use of strategies.

sometimes seems that chess was used as a fair gentleman. In fact, there is a history before the Roman period referring to Charlemagne almost lost the kingdom and its head, due to a chess tournament, in which was defeated:

Charlemagne had a champion in his service named Garin. Such was the value that this showed that he earned the admiration of the knights and the ladies love. Including the empress herself.

On hearing this, Charlemagne called him and suggested: "Let's play a game of chess, but with these rules: If you win, I'll deliver all my kingdoms and possessions as well as my own wife . If I win, you pay with your life defeat. "

Garin was forced to accept, but what Charlemagne did not know was that his opponent was a great chess player. After a hard struggle Garin attacks and counterattacks succeeded in checkmate. They say that Charlemagne collapsed in tears at being defeated, it is not known if the heartbreak of losing all or the anger at being unable to beat his opponent.

Garin proved to be more prudent and wise that the king himself. Forgave the fair and asked to change the return of the castle that they had taken previously. And there he moved away from the imperial conspiracy.

any event, enhanced by its past "pagan" and heavy bets were associated with the games, this game ended up being condemned by the Church at the Council of Paris in 1212. St. Louis King also forbids an ordinance in 1254, perceiving this as a diabolical invention. Actually, chess, could lock up the long, cultural growth potential of the common people, which always threatens the control over the masses.

However, this persecution by the church, failed to stop the play to continue to spread through Europe and the nobles and monks continued practicing Christians. Example gives us Alfonso X, because his reign is the oldest book on chess that have reached us: "axedrez Miscellaneous Games, craps, and tables with their explanations, arranged by order of King Alfonso the Wise

And as for his own church congregation, there are illustrated codices showing monks, as in this case, participating Templars in a game of chess.


. ............. 20Hilari/Santhilari.htm

The presence of this board engraved on the basement of the cloister in the Abbey of Sant Hilari (Roussillon), is quite amazing, because the rules of St. Benedict did not provide any time of day the monks for a distraction from this genre.

**** **** THE ROC

We talked earlier about the presence of the checkered in heraldry, an element that was adopted by a noble family, would suggest a strong or innate commitment to combat.

The style of this subject appears in a large number of arms of noble status, but all is one that we called our attention. It's shield the Rocabertí, a lineage emerged from the Carolingian period nebulae (Dr. Santiago Sobrequés and Vidal-Rv.Gerona, No 62 ) and apparently had a very representing important and prominent in the field military, legal and religious, from the tenth century in the heart of the medieval period until well into the seventeenth century.

The rock-breaking shield that keeps the original color of the Arab parts, red and white , holds within it, a sign that for some centuries before came perpetuated, sometimes branded as lapidary and some other form part of an identification badge with clear intent.

This mark corresponds to one of the pieces of chess, the rook or popularly known as the tower.


At first, the caste of Rocabertí lived in the county of Roussillon, where stands the monastery of Sant Martí Canigó XIIth century, and from which the former capitals, showing a small shield with the spelling of the Roc, a sign of recognition adopted by that dynasty and establishing their presence and participation in the temple in question. The term Persian

Rukh (Roc) called for the tower of chess, is what determined that names with the nickname "roc" acquired the piece as an emblem.

Another such influential families were Rocafort, who also cooperated with strong donations for the perpetual remembrance, and the Romanesque cloister of the monastery of Sant Benet Bages (Barcelona) there is proof of that.

.... Shield of Rocabertí (La Seu Vella de Lleida. XIII century-XIV)

Rocabertí Crest of the monastery of Santa Maria de Vilabertran (Girona) s. XIV-XV

We see that since its inception Rocabertí family has maintained the roc as the primary emblem of his name.

This observation covered by the very limited presence of these brands in the Romanesque ashlar facing the many different ones that are repeated everywhere, leads us to believe that the roc is not a brand of planter understood as such but it is a sign of identity. The "signature" identifying the presence of de facto power of a saga.

Based on these reasons, it would be plausible to understand the emergence in the church of Santa Maria de Biota of the "heraldic in infancy, in its western portal, the main entrance of the church toward the altar, is in four blocks archivolts marked with this mark.

And not in vain, there is evidence that even into the seventeenth century, members of that branch of the family with the surname Rocabertí, still boasting among others, the title of viscount of Biota. (Item sacramental. File parish of St. Giles, Abbot of Zaragoza. Volume III f 128V.).

Health and Romanesque

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Best Way For Pregency In Urdu

Albanchez Magina-Jaen-

, they say, in the province of Jaén is the largest concentration of castles per square mile of our country, and not only from the Iberian Peninsula, but also in Europe.

One of these-the-Albanchez castle of Arab origin s. IX, from his vantage point resist the passage of time with lofty solemnity.

A throughout the medieval period, this fort belonged to various lords, Arabs and Christians, and always coveted for its strategic position.



-Set in mountainous countryside Mágina forming a great natural barrier between the kingdoms of Castile and Granada, the castle dominated the Almaden and Mágina steps, until 1492, when his character to conquer the Christian border the capital last kingdom of Al-Andalus.



Because his work was of surveillance, the castle housed a small garrison, possibly only two or three men, so no need to have a lot of living space.

a fortress consisted of two sections of masonry and a small courtyard from where you entered the first tower that is on the ground floor the tank to ensure water supply in the castle.




To climb the tower must be accessed by a narrow slit difficult. Chances are that at that time, the move to the plant was done with an escalator, wood or rope, so that after removal was prevented access to the towers.




steps leading from the village to the castle are recent, and until relatively recently, it was a real epic climb, as picked up the letter D. Mariano de la Paz Rodríguez Gómez and (Sosa Rv.D.Lope 1920): "... admire the dedication of men and their value to waxing in that eyrie almost inaccessible and that the approach enemy troops may not have more hope than die fighting. "


. Scenario
also the power struggles between Christian knights in this castle blends history and legend as the plot of Good Friday:

"In 1460 a group of men from the town of Ubeda, enemies D. Luis de la Cueva Commander of the Order of Santiago and owner of several castles, including that of Albanchez-, attempted to seize the walls. Legend has it that D. Louis, despite being a boy of fifteen, scuppered the plan by attacking and killing traitors to their first birthday sword. " (Reports of the Junta de Andalucía).
Sea lo que fuera lo que haya presenciado este silencioso vigilante medieval, hoy en día lo encontramos orgulloso y altivo, testigo privilegiado de la exquisita belleza del Parque Natural de Sierra Mágina, alzándose sobre el municipio de Albanchez como si fuera una entidad mágica que guarda y ampara los corazones de los habitantes del lugar.

Más sobre ello en:

Health and Romanesque. MAGINA-Albanchez Albanchez de Ubeda

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Prgramming Hyundai Remote

Nothing at Regeneration

Nihil Novi


At a recent dinner conversation, we raised so inconsequential that they are the achievements of the human ego. The absurd conceit that often drag these alleged accomplishments prevent us from living with the simplicity required to reach the deep understanding of ourselves.

Considering that in the end, everything to give importance to our personality in this life will disappear and question of what actually will be, we often planteárnosla when faced with a "memento mori", either in themselves or in that of a being known or wanted.
And as it posed as Hamlet holding the skull of which had previously been the court jester, most of us also sketch it usually passes through a cemetery and, especially, when you run across a headstone like this:

.. HIC
IACIT PVLVIS + cynicism + +
NIHIL (Here lies dust, ashes, nothing)
A few words allude to the ephemeral nature of life, the disintegration of matter and the lack of identity.
Pondering about it, remember that in the Romanesque church of San Pedro in Grado del Pico (Segovia)-temple which has some of the finest rural-carved, we came to know how ironic chance, something that should remind us who we really are.


Apparently, like most other Romanesque buildings, the original appearance of the temple has been modified over time. We just have to see the bottom of the wall to see that in the centuries after its removal the wall has been fully "repaired" and for that, "as was commonly, blocks or slabs were reused from other nearby structures.


Probably one of these we have in the small block that is cut on the right edge of the door and leaving visible the inscription NIHIL (Niiler) word by itself reminds us that we are not the benevolence of the creator. Nothing.


Undoubtedly, the syncopated Niiler Pico Grade will be a "nihil" nominal, but probably not the passage of "someone" in pursuit of something, but the uncertainty of "nothing".

While certainly nothing new discovery, because as the wise repeated phrase from Ecclesiastes consistently in all periods since the Middle Ages: NIL NOVUM SUB SOLE . - " Nothing new under the sun" -.

Meaningless . ... NJIL, no nothing.

Health and Romanesque

Monday, June 21, 2010

Framework Et Pinnacle

The Song of the Romanesque syrenita

sirens No other representation has been achieved so far, to reach the attraction we feel for carved inside the Romanesque church of San Pere de Galligans (Girona).
normally accustomed to perceive in the world of imaging a variety of symbolic representations that often correspond to the same intention, but all of them, no insist and persist so as to instruct the man in the secret of their complete regeneration.
unify in one essence the two opposing natures of which we are made is vital to achieve, and the mermaid Galligans inform us strongly.
This admiration we experience after the perception of its message, is what motivates us to continue this study based on a fascinating and exclusive representation:
literal description of that figure, which was set out in "Metamorphosis of a Concept ' - we want to summarize here:
The siren solemn attitude is held high on her fish's tail in both hands holding a pair of fish to maintain a balanced position arms reminiscent of the familiar iconography of "praying." His head touches a raised platform with stars carved to simulate his crown.
After the literal description of the image we suspect that there is an allegorical reading of the message with a series of perceptions related to the metaphor that are easily understandable: with fish-tail characteristic attribute of the inhabitants of the world below-the siren starts from the base of the spire rising vertically to join their head above ground, the blue field and stars.
Undoubtedly, the composition of the character you send your work as a liaison between the groundwater level or lower and the upper or heavenly, the channel that connects the two worlds, similar to the role of the mystic ladder or Jacob linking the underworld with the superior, or heaven and earth.
This concept also refers us to the figure of the Virgin Mary, "considered as the conduit between God and men, according to the relationship that some Fathers applied the symbolism of the ladder and the Blessed Virgin.
"This (the Virgin) is the ladder of Jacob, who has twelve steps, including los dos lados.
El lado derecho es el desprecio de sí mismo por el amor a Dios, el lado izquierdo es el desprecio del mundo por amor al Reino.
Por estos peldaños suben los ángeles y son elevados los hombres..." (San Bernardo- Sermo ad Beatam Virginem 4).

Es a través de esta lectura moral o teológica que podemos acceder a otro escalón diferente del símbolo cuyo mensaje abarca una gran magnitud. Es una enseñanza que trasciende creencias y culturas porque va arraigado en lo más profundo del ser humano, algo que se lleva implícito por nature and can only be understood under a tight mentality of the symbol, in particular alchemical vision. .


( Fulcanelli. Dwellings of the Philosophers "Allegory of Alchemy: -
A seated female figure whose feet rest on the base, with his head touches the celestial sphere, acts as a conduit between the lower plane and the plane higher in both hands holding the book of knowledge and expertise rod
) ****

. Perceiving

siren Galligans upright as a symbol link by which you can ascend from our state animal (below) to the divine understanding (above), we note that body is composed of a dual nature, two substances in a separate but together, like two sides of a coin or as the personification of atanor alchemy.

The two fish or lions, "in each case", symbolizing the two properties of our matter, sulfur and mercury. It is also "solve et coagula" alchemical necessary to achieve the union of the two principles of the Work. In this process ensures atanor maintained within and steadily, the fire of transformation, which will heat up the fusion of two natures in one of its own.
The waist is where the two are qualities of being mixed together, indicating the sacred place where lies the ability to generate form. It is there where it develops this pure body will possess a quality that will be very perfect.

. "Sister Sister released, and the child born of mysterious single mother" (MR.IV, 96 ')



Moreover and following the mythical personification of the siren, as we indicated in the previous article that the appearance of a double tail was progressive union came after the end of its tail to fish represented on both sides of the siren.
The result after the resulting image was the predominance of a negative message that even a superficial meaning, became highly popular.
We prefer to dismiss the latter, as we intend to approach the primitive symbols, with which, thanks to some performances that have stood up Nowadays, we can appeal to the clarity of mind that some artists of yesteryears deployed.
A very clear example of this change in what we forked tail in the Gothic-Mudejar coffered Santa Maria de Lliria.


. In the first painting be seen exactly how a woman with a crown of three plumes holds two large fish that are symmetrically addressed. The perception of the composition, although naive, conveys majesty.
As for the second image, the heads of the two fish have been completely merged the two tails suggesting a female figure and has no crown, and may not enjoy as active a positive value.

Photo: Julianna ..

This belongs to another size Budapest National Museum, the symbol comes back highly positive. The division of the two fish in their union with the female torso is especially marked visible leaving the central part of the body where is displayed in the form of steps, referring to the channel that connects the world and the hidden or visible lower or higher.
lobed crown also holding the horn pointed at the celestial sphere is analogous to the tiara of fish in the Marian enkolpión tiara and star of the mermaid temple Galligans.

It is precisely in this same temple Galligans-this time in his cloister, which again we find another horn that fills us with awe, both for the beauty of its composition and the subtle message alchemical includes:

After the first impression does not seem to be no doubt that this is of a regular two-tailed mermaid, but if you look a little better, we note that in reality the oval lines that adorn the beginning of the tails, are the eyes of the two fish together in the mouth marks the meeting point where cylindrical torso emerges.

. is the atanor which gave birth to the incomprehensible mystery that will give way to the birth of light.

Lambsprinck also as a good philosopher in the hermetic art, tells us in his "little treatise on the Philosopher's Stone: " ... philosophers commonly say that two fish in our sea, the two, indeed, without flesh and bones are boiled in water that is their own. Then leave them the great Ocean (or great work, ie, the first embryo of our stone will be perfect sulfur) that no man can describe. Here is what the philosophers understand why: There are two fish, but the two are but one, two, however, and yet one. " .


and is always two-tailed siren indicating that perfect symmetry, with the same items from one to the other side, suggesting balance, the straight path, the middle path.



The idea of \u200b\u200b"middle way" between the two variables natures often found in old time looks more schematic.

An example more familiar to us of this intention, we have it in the catacombs of the Christians, whose outline exchanged mermaid figure erected by an anchor.
Others see the relationship in some Bible verses that refer to this object as an allegory of hope:
"... the asiéndonos we seek refuge to the hope both sure and solid anchor of our soul ... "(Hebrews 6, 18-19). / jesusagrario / Catacombs

Today anchor is a sign that still persists, because its image is still used in heraldry and church areas, but unfortunately valued under a small aspect of its true meaning:

similarity is easily recognizable anchor synthetic siren bifida .

. . .


But viewed as the hope of a good Christian on arrival at a good "port" is not only that.
Actually, the anchor is also associated with the same soul and strength of the symbol is its strength. Your image shows that the anchor is firm and unalterable, as it should be kept soul to the fluctuation of the two tracks (fish).

Toledo. Church of San Cipriano

However, we are always surprised to find nautical symbol on the facade of a church, and more in a city without a port or Tues
And is that the anchor, either as a sign of hope or conceived as resonance of the human soul, goes even further, as anchor and Virgin share the same meaning and representations of many churches and demonstrated its iconology .

. . Naively

schematic appears in the doorway of San Millán de Almendres (Burgos) the concept of anchor-virgin.
The central character, with hints halo over his head, controls and stabilizes the two invisible forces symbolized by two long fish that emerge from the abyss to be balanced with the central trunk, which fixed, after the event contains.


Another example with a beautiful composition is found in the tympanum of the Sanctuary of the Virgen del Mar (Almería). Two dolphins, mercury double witness arise between the waves of the sea, inhiesta, a black Madonna carrying a child.
Its symbolism takes us to the manifestation of the occult, the hermaphrodite Venus enclosing the under fermentation, the moist substance, universal spirit of the world. The Alma Mundi.



Although most current and possibly renewed, the Virgen de la Esperanza en Blanes (Barcelona) still keeps the main attributes that identify it as a receptacle of hermetic knowledge: on his head the star sign par excellence, the twelve stars or zodiacal belt and underfoot the anchor has been placed to argue the contact and control of the Virgin on the deep waters and groundwater, the source and root of all life.
balanced position of his arms reminds us of the images above, the Holy Mother-wide event.
And this is how the anchor in its covert meaning is linked to the Blessed Virgin, and in particular in their expression of Virgen de la Esperanza, or better understood: the "good hope."
A Virgin is the legitimate heir of the woman in Rev.12 Sun, with the moon under her feet and crowned with twelve stars evokes the principle of connection between the world of the unseen and the visible. .

Women in the anguish of giving birth to stars on the scene more mysterious and commentary of Revelation, the secret stronger than reason can not discover.
paritura is the Virgo. The fertile female principle in itself, an unequivocal sign of the most authentic source of life, the Cosmic Mother from which life springs from his own creative impulse.
is innate and eternal force that evolves with a clear understanding and acceptance of change: the Alma Mundi archaic

Solve and Coagula
Both are operations that are "hand" of that siren, the mixed body of fish and virgin acts of connection between the two natures. Solve and Coagula is not essentially the same operation. A continuous flow of eternal cycle between the two natures, the subtle and material. Therefore, these two operations are represented equally, with the same figure in equilibrium at both ends of the arms of the symbolic scale.
And it is the combination of these concepts, the center point between the natures (Fixed & Volatile) and between operations (Solve and Coagula), which forged the magical uniqueness of the generation of Being, the concept generation that we call life, shape or universe. Perhaps, in the center of atanor, Salt is brewing, resulting from the merger of the two dual natures eternal.
And where you said so far has been summed up with great detail in this outstanding figure is found in the Communal Palace Pola (Croatia).

. Photo: Dr. J. Oliver-Bonjoch

We define it as the "missing link" and it see as representations converge characteristics shown above:
on its tail erect a column based aqueous perfect ending in the crown of three spades that encircles his head. As fish are subjected testify fully on the fins and tails of their bodies, which, by binding to the Mermaid converge at the point where the show excels pregnant bulge.
This very explicit image condenses the entire schedule of the above, and as a visual target's tasks, the siren as a paradigm of mixed body is shown as a symbol of that scale that links the area with the upper abyssal while it is revealed as the only container to cover and contain the two antagonistic forces, whose unification precipitated the state of "good hope" the embryo of the Child Shining or Philosopher's Stone by which we know the science of physical regeneration and complete man. Behold, the siren song, able to initiate in the mysteries of who is able to listen and not succumb!

** The siren song: the-siren /

Health and Romanesque