. These days
present we are in a playful environment where they prepare these feasts whose purpose is to strengthen the fraternal ties or family.
Interestingly, as in any other communal meal, ingestion of this food festival is a formal action with pleasure and solemnity that is accepted in public. Against, and once passed through our stomach, removal of the dish becomes a ritual solo, intimate and strictly private.

is shocking, that being the first act for ourselves allows us to "create" something tangible, always try to avoid talking about this action, since it normally see something vulgar, rude and disrespectful.
Perhaps that is why artistic representations character of your body expelling the gross matter are virtually non-existent, at least openly.
But ... it has always been the case?
* Et in manger, ego
Since the beginning of the traditional stalls and next to that stage where we remember the birth of Christ, there is a prominent and essential element in all of Catalan nativity price: amazing figurine of a man who crouched and bare buttocks, imperturbable meet their physiological needs outdoor the caganer.
What first glance may seem an irreverence toward religious belief is not.
The figurine, on the other hand accepted by the church reminds us of the work of manuring the land, to become fruitful and secure the revival for next year. All with health and peace of body and soul that gives us the action taken. The caganer
witnessing a consistent Liberamente word and gesture, a familiar nod intended to clear the ground for a new society, bold, lucid and human. It is an obscenity in modern times, but a real and organic part of a vast and complex world. And it can only appear as a crude joke when it separated from the context or interpreted according to the times.
has been much speculation about the symbolism of that character. Go here a few phrases which illustrate a curious tradition
* "The caganer symbolizes cosmic indifference contrasts with the spiritual motivation for the greatest mystery of mankind, the birth of the redeemer." (Xavier Fàbregas)
* "The caganer is identified with the Catalan character, because, despite the momentous events occurring at that time, the character does not waste time and is dedicated to saving on fertilizers" (Joan de Deu Domènech).
* "The figure of caganer deposition performed with a work prior to the coming of the Redeemer to the earth, cleansing of the rabble of heathen gods" (JMPuig i Roca).
* "caganer The figure is related to the great pagan festivals and food with which they celebrated the winter solstice, and is the personification of the excesses committed. " (Isidre Vallès).
* "The caganer done in the micro model of crib domestic as well as many Catalans worship the holy things while spending much of their time cursing at them." (Manel Delgado).
* "The caganer was the most mischievous and most ill-suited to the idyllic landscape of Bethlehem, was" the other ", with all the consequences and" other " was accepted as proof of donation, provided it does not intend to occupy the foreground. The caganer revientafiestas represented in all of us. " (Agustí Pons).
Anyway, it's something that reminds us essentially all are equal before God, because "King shit, shit shit Pope and no one escapes"

.. Happy, happy meal ....
........................ Christmas
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