New Year new life, when you grab the bag and suddenly disappear from the "reality" programs, you realize you're concidind @ @ sujet the chains of mindless consumerism. Half of what we buy does not work for nothing morally. But the conditioning is so fierce, that limits your senses. And when reality changes disappear, you realize that there is humanity, people fighting for another, empathy, solidarity, good vibes and other realities that are yours and not globalized. But especially when the human being seeks ... realize that the den is full of shit, shit is not yours or the neighbor, nor the course abroad or black. "Abroad? Strange? Fear? Multiculturalism is fascinating, there is no immigrant, only you brothers and sisters, your race, the human being. When you meet with harsh realities and see people sick, unable to walk or a serious illness, return to remember that you're walking, indoors, eating, going out with friends @ s. .. living your reality and not imposed by authorities fools. You see how much you think freely outside the established dogmas and you can find your own future ... your dreams, your reality. I'm alive, I think non-dogmatic, way, see, hear, touch, breathe, and if I have no life I look for work, but I'm not chained to a gloom filled with macabre disappointment. And if you're starting to feel pressure of the chains, walking aimlessly, looking to find, because you're viv @. Human beings need to go to the search by yourself ...
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