The librpensamiento in this country is becoming taboo. The mass does not think or act, is moved by impulses. Or are you a party or another, or are you a football team or another, or are you a television or another. If you think differently, or you are an asshole or geek ... The system of self-survival that is happening in this country, makes today's youth have to sublebarnos the rhetoric of a circus called politics. This is the jungle or a disguised anarchy, materialism has reached such an extent that we devour each other in cutthroat competition, without morals or ethics. Freethought is dying on the wings of a big brother with its jaws open to families. Where do you move when you are tying thread? Can a capitalist system to destroy the ability to think freely? How can a country developed what is known to spend millions of euros in entertainment media and reduced to ashes their scientists and filósosfos? The country of the crutch, the Primero and misnamed jetas are politicians, which would make them Pasay in search of glory and photos ... and the standing still in a corner, undeterred, without being aware of, that should be up to eighty years to pay your mortgage, your piece of land ... without doing anything, without mobilizing the mind and burst out crying I'm alive! Someday @ s put the TV, sit and let the brain go back to sleep by tuning the frequency of remaining dough ... big brother is coming! Tod @ s are happy ...
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