To ancient man, the earth was a flat disc surrounded by ocean, which had the Heaven above and hell below until the sixth century BC, the Presocratics modified this concept by introducing the hypothesis of its flotation in a space free, dynamic and balanced by two metaphysical forces, such as dual power, would act as a counterweight.
goodness that since the thought of these philosophers, is attributed to the right, surely must be connected to the right hand in all natural events: the appearance of birth and death Sun and the analogy between this-right-light-life and West-left-dark-death.
This theory of the clash of opposites, would soon become postulate of cosmic justice as a symbol of harmony tense, ultimately all the profound unity of the universe. A good representative of that image is sculpted on the outside of the central apse in Santiago Agüero, the contrast of opposites in perfect harmony, the reign of cosmic justice.

Christian Religion strongly to the establishment and dissemination of the connotation of right and left. In the biblical texts often appear opposition between different elements: the good and evil, heaven and hell, light and dark, with many passages that testify to the strength and power or honor and goodness associated with the position right, as opposed to evil and selfishness, related to the left (Genesis, 8, Exodus, 29; Leviticus 7, San Mateo, 25).
The issue before us today, the Domini Dextera can be a good example of how the lexicon is often true carrier and transmitter of the culture of the community that uses . Thus, in the Romanesque hand characterize the divine manifestation of God's voice, the power that creates all that exists, which guide and saves, heals, the blessing, which appeals as a witness or alliance contract and also to punish and crush the enemy, as you use the right or left.
... And the Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering.
The Domini Dextera scene with Abel is one of the most common configurations to represent conformity, support and satisfaction of God. A sure sign that God is right.
A curious and unique representation of the Domini Dextera appears in the cloister of San Pedro el Viejo in Huesca. In this configuration is shown holding the wrist of Christ in Majesty in the almond. Paradoxically, as if it were a chain, is the Son sinistra which is ringed by the right hand of the Father, in clear reference to his ascension into heaven.
Adam is raised and also grabbed by his left wrist in the mural of Veracruz Maderuelo, but for this, the Creator uses its sinistra, instead of the right hand used to lift up Christ in the previous representation, which can give us much to think about the different conceptual levels attributed to the action performed.

. Dextera God The emerging under crismón of Santa Maria de Iratxe. Here crismón dexterity and are equivalent, beginning and end, light and darkness are regarded as sacred by the hand of God. It is the largest emananción of metaphysics, inexorably linking the statement of the principle uncreated. It is God who holds the world so that, if left to do only for a moment, it would immediately disappear. It symbolizes the continuous creation, matter sustained by the Spirit. His power transcends everything.
Another image is unprecedented for the murals of the synagogue of Dura-Europos (Syria). This sequence novel and peculiar action depicted on both hands of God. With right-recurring three times, "aids and protects, while with his left draws a one-time-cause death and destruction.
"The Lord will dry up the sea of \u200b\u200bEgypt, will raise his hand against the Euphrates. And yet his anger is not appeased, his hand still threatening" (Isaiah, 9 , 11,16.20)
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The notions of the symbolic nature of the terms "right" "left" have been subjected to such strong evaluative process, which have come to constitute a universal cultural.
But ... Does God have hands?. And if it does, for medieval people the impression that he had "left hand" .
For more pictures on the theme: http://foros.hispavista.com/foro-blogs-del-romanico--desiderata-/42664/935342/m/ symbolism:-the-hand-(Dextera-and-sinextra-domini) /
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