Hugs and kisses, bells a. .. "It."

In the eaves outside the south aisle of the church of San Miguel de Segovia Fuentidueña, is perhaps the most photographed and corbels antonomásico erotic English Romanesque. In it, a couple makes intercourse in an expression that is away from the sinful theme to display with a meaning almost exhilarating. Unaware
a tangle of characters and faces monstrous, these fans seem to transcend the message man-evil duality where attitudes emphasize their moral weakness, to focus on a particular meaning further catechetical on holiday fertility rite.
Covered by iconoclastic frame the context in which it is situated, neighboring stands a head corbels bare-chested men and noble appearance of maturity, which is adorned with a cap of deer antlers. At the other extreme, another bust, dressed in a woman, look so serene and condescending.

Will they who are halfway to participate in the most profane and sacred act at once?
In the southwest coast of England in the county of Dorset, lies the treasure Romanesque church of St. Nicholas Studland.
Well, under the eaves of the overhang of the Church of St. Nicholas of Studlar, and also in the outer wall of the south aisle, a pair of lovers embrace in the middle of intercourse outside the big gasps of corbels face neighbor two-faced.

But what is certain is that the study of two cantilevers, can express their belief in the existence of a translation of iconographic models from British shores to our Castilian Romanesque.

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