"Is the place that sanctifies the man or is man which sanctifies the place? "
time ago a dear friend challenged me that question. In the end there just to clarify as well the response is complex and it would be unwise to say one thing or another.
But now thinking about it I remembered a certain place, and I do not wrong if in this article are linked the three, he, the question and place.
Sant Pere de Rodes is a former Benedictine monastery is located in one of the most remarkable places of the Pyrenees, we would say magical place at the top of Cape Creus. The spot where one is born or dies according to others the Pyrenees.
monastery architectural originality makes it a unique building in the medieval world. The peculiar Opus spicatum appears in virtually all of the ship and has an annular crypt under the presbytery that deserves consideration by most sacred place.
Interestingly architecture and decoration of the capitals of the church show a deep affinity with the Roman-era buildings.

recognized There are views of historians who believe that rose over the ancient temple of Aphrodite Pirenne, a temple which is known in the narratives of journeys during the s. III-IV made scholars of the day and mentioned it located in Pyrene prominentems verticem , well as a map of the astronomer and geographer Ptolemy (86-161 AD), where at the end of the Pyrenees had pointed out the temple Venus.
. These assumptions appear
strengthened to have found remains of a Late Antique building whose foundations go beyond the existing built and many of the remains of pagan carvings found in the environment, some of which are reused by the new settlers who carved their religious reasons in the same stones.
strengthened to have found remains of a Late Antique building whose foundations go beyond the existing built and many of the remains of pagan carvings found in the environment, some of which are reused by the new settlers who carved their religious reasons in the same stones.
Perhaps this may be the explanation of the Corinthian capitals found in the nave and some historian has already gone back to the Hellenistic period.

There are some who argues that the temple of Venus was at the top of the mountain of verdigris, immediately place the monastery where the north wind blows hard.
is from there where we can see clearly inspiring spectacle, the bay enters the earth as the silver womb of the goddess of the sea.
(Click on image for larger view of the "womb" of the sea).
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Not surprisingly, Venus, born of the foam came from the sea.
"Is the place that sanctifies the man or the man who hallows the place?" (Ibn 'Arabi)
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