The Harpies were female demon in Greek mythology, viewed as being horrible, winged monsters with the head and chest of an old woman, whose body housed in wings and menacing claws of prey. They were always angry and emanating a foul and foul effluvia, being able to purchase all the foods they played.
Its Greek name which translates as "force", because by divine imperative is dedicated to embitter the existence of a Thracian king who could discover the future of men, which is why the gods deprived of sight allowing that the Harpies take away food, leaving their droppings in place, so the unfortunate Phineas I was always hungry. Finally Jason and his Argonauts, using cunning, got them away.
............................... http://bestiary.ca/beasts/beast243.htm
will perhaps because of that relationship with gale advesa, currently, our concept harpy is associated among others, women psychologically unstable, and that, like the mythological, intended to act as scarecrows pouncing on its prey without cause, while throwing hysterical screams and incomprehensible, which tends to doubt his sanity.

The Harpies were female demon in Greek mythology, viewed as being horrible, winged monsters with the head and chest of an old woman, whose body housed in wings and menacing claws of prey. They were always angry and emanating a foul and foul effluvia, being able to purchase all the foods they played.
Its Greek name which translates as "force", because by divine imperative is dedicated to embitter the existence of a Thracian king who could discover the future of men, which is why the gods deprived of sight allowing that the Harpies take away food, leaving their droppings in place, so the unfortunate Phineas I was always hungry. Finally Jason and his Argonauts, using cunning, got them away.

Aeneas, also on their way to land of King Latinus (at the mouth of the Tiber), where he had come to found Alba Longa, visited the islands of the harpies and received the curse of Çelem, the most perverse of all, with Ocípete, the more furious. Insatiable hunger had it touched the corrupted food at feeding on dung, we go, "shit."
To Virgil, would birds with female faces, curved claws and belly filthy, emaciated by a ferocious hunger not met. Invulnerable and fetid, devour everything, emitting unpleasant squealing, and everything turned into excrement.
then that figure in the current sincretizaría hoopoe, "Lark" or shitheads (for so call it), because despite being revered in ancient Egypt to announce the arrival of wind Ethesio, withdrawing water from the Nile, worms fed on mud or Tarquin. Isidore of Seville in his etymologies, says of the hoopoe as a nasty bird, who likes to live near the graves and feces.
To Virgil, would birds with female faces, curved claws and belly filthy, emaciated by a ferocious hunger not met. Invulnerable and fetid, devour everything, emitting unpleasant squealing, and everything turned into excrement.
then that figure in the current sincretizaría hoopoe, "Lark" or shitheads (for so call it), because despite being revered in ancient Egypt to announce the arrival of wind Ethesio, withdrawing water from the Nile, worms fed on mud or Tarquin. Isidore of Seville in his etymologies, says of the hoopoe as a nasty bird, who likes to live near the graves and feces.

In the Romanesque, in general, the Harpies symbolize the passions and the pain of remorse or guilt subsequent to the satisfaction of the vices.
Solo Boreas, the wind north, can drive away, as the violence of his Evangelical breath is a clear allusion to the invigorating breath of the Spirit.
But ultimately, what the harpies personified in turn, is the mythical representation of weather conditions, "the storm or gale-effects for the world of ancient navigation. 
will perhaps because of that relationship with gale advesa, currently, our concept harpy is associated among others, women psychologically unstable, and that, like the mythological, intended to act as scarecrows pouncing on its prey without cause, while throwing hysterical screams and incomprehensible, which tends to doubt his sanity.
And in the case of a bitch ... for exactly the same, but bearded.
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