I decided to incorporate this weekly meme to my blog to see that:) Probably discuss books that come out on USA and I can not wait to arrive to our shores one day.

This book has attracted much attention, and although it is not out yet even in the United States, will be published recently as November 15 this year uff!, right now I'm adding to my Wishlist and I really hope that will translate and reach our country.
Do you know the name of the author? Kimberly is the very author of The Body Finder, a book for which I have seen that bloggers have created campaigns to be bought by a English publisher and we read in these lands ... Hopefully The Pledge have better luck and by the way, prompting some editorial to buy The Body saga Finder.
I leave then my translation of the synopsis :
violent in the country Ludania, classes are strictly separated by the language they speak. The smallest transgression, like watching a member of a class above the eyes while speaking their mother tongue as a result leads to immediate execution. Charlaine, seventeen years, has always been able to understand the languages \u200b\u200bof all kinds, and spent his life trying to hide her secret. The only place where you can be really free is the drug filled underground clubs where people go to escape the oppressive rule of the world they live. This is where he meets a beautiful and mysterious boy named Max who speaks a language you never heard before. . . and his secret is almost revealed.
Charlie is intensely attracted to Max, despite that can not be sure where their true loyalty is based. While emergency drills give way to the real crisis and the violence escalates, it becomes clear that Charlie is the key to something much larger: the only opportunity for freedom of their country from the terrible power of a deadly scheme.
And what books you are waiting to get their hands?
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