I leave another review written by Adrian, on this occasion is the turn of Gata Blanca, the first book in a series written by Holly Black
~ ~ About the Book

♦ Author: Holly Black
♦ Publisher: Plaza & Janes
♦ Pages: 288
♦ Date Published in Argentina: June 2011
's not nice waking up at midnight on the roof of the boarding naked without knowing how you could get there ... and remember only that you were dreaming of a white cat. Cassel
Sharpe belongs to a family where everyone has powers and use them illegally. His mother is behind bars for duping millions, his grandfather and older brother working for a major Mafia families. Only his middle brother, who attends college, and he is in the margin: the first because it does not use his ability, and Cassel because it has none. It has always been rare: in your family, for lack of powers beyond, by the family he has. Although Cassel only aspires to be 'normal' and it is in all respects except for a "small" detail: three years ago he woke up and discovered it had killed Lily, her best friend and daughter of the local kingpin. The family had to hide it. Now, however, strange things begin to happen ...
Sharpe belongs to a family where everyone has powers and use them illegally. His mother is behind bars for duping millions, his grandfather and older brother working for a major Mafia families. Only his middle brother, who attends college, and he is in the margin: the first because it does not use his ability, and Cassel because it has none. It has always been rare: in your family, for lack of powers beyond, by the family he has. Although Cassel only aspires to be 'normal' and it is in all respects except for a "small" detail: three years ago he woke up and discovered it had killed Lily, her best friend and daughter of the local kingpin. The family had to hide it. Now, however, strange things begin to happen ...
I wanted to give a small recess of the Vampires (not because I'm tired of them, but because I was tired of the same stories repeated) so I decided to find other things to read. I am very difficult to choose books, I can spend hours inside a bookstore to finally find something I like. And sometimes, I let myself down. The blessed karma compulsive reader, probably know what I mean. Finally, in the meantime look, I opted for a small book called Gata Blanca Holly Black. I say small because it is quite short compared to what I'm used to reading. It took me only a day to complete it, ask yourself the idea.
Initially, the title caught my attention. Someone says "cats" and I jumped like a fool, because I have a love for these animals beyond me. So thus began my reading. Only the "cat" a punishment itself is the main protagonist of the story.
The book is ... simple book. Ended, and immediately went to my "read one time." Although the topic is interesting, fails to meet expectations (at least mine). The beginning is difficult to understand. At no time explaining what is happening in reality speaking of terms that are taken for granted in the book and that we, the readers, we must understand in some way. Before coming to some kind of explanation, I had to search through Google to see if someone could explain what they were talking horns. You have to be understanding of history under its own logic and still leaves many gaps in between. For same thing, just a half we can understand what are really the "workers." To me, a big mistake. I do not like walking speculating about what is and what is not, because in the end you end up not fully enjoying the history.
The characters are pretty simple. Although Cassel becomes increasingly interesting for the reader, the lack of feeling reflected in the book does not allow us to understand him. If you are angry, frustrated and come to hate their brothers, but ... nothing. With a single paragraph about what he feels is not enough. Barron is extremely boring and stupid, Philip is filling and Lily disappoint. I imagined something more to the story, a little more originality, because it really could be better. It has all the elements, and not learned to use.
The end is almost expected, but ends up giving Cassel pity. So much work to be back disappointed by his own family. I can not even afford to talk about things important as in other cases because I have nothing to hold on. I would have loved that the theme of relations with the Mafia and his own family had developed more , but threw my expectations on the ground. I know that the book has had good reviews ... what these people think? Perhaps history is wrong, or I can be. Because I do not understand the truth how they said that this is a good book. Having so many major titles and I mix them with this.
Nevertheless, I will wait the second title, though I have high hopes. I'll read it just to see how the story goes, although I look forward his departure. With all this, the book alone is worth a mere three keys ink. Just because I'm in a good mood today. Nothing more.

About the author ~ ~
His first book, Tithe: A Modern Faerie Tale , published in 2002, was highly acclaimed by critics. Since then she has written two other novels, Valiant (2005) and Ironside (2007). The first won the Andre Norton Award for Excellence in Young Adult Literature. The second was five weeks on the bestseller list of The New York Times.
He collaborated with his friend Tony DiTerlizzi in creating The Spiderwick Chronicles. The first two installments, The fantastic book and The amazing telescope, were published simultaneously by _AMP_ Simon Schuster, which was quickly followed by three more deliveries, lost Map (2003), metal tree (2004) and The evil ogre (2004). The latter reached the top of the list of the New York Times.
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