And here comes the second part of Kate Lauren special! This time
Lauren tells us a little about it, about the film, the covers of his books and gives us some tips for those amateur writing.
not miss it!

is the author of Fallen (Dark ) first in a series consisting of four deliveries (including a prequel) and it will be filmed by Disney Studios. Before his first novel, The Betrayal of Natalie Hargrove, and deserved the acclaim.
currently lives in Laurel Canyon Lauren with her husband, and says he would like to work in the kitchen of a restaurant, having a dog and learn to surf.
On writing
Do you have any advice for candidates writers?
I've been writing stories since I was in middle school, so I love talking with people who are interested in writing. A question I get often is about what to do when you get stuck, and the board clearly as I can give on that would watch the scene from a different angle and write through it. Say you're trying to write a scene of two people having a discussion at a sunset and you can not find a way to make it interesting or cool. Sometimes when I take a while to warm up, I imagine how someone else - my husband, my best friend, someone with whom I discussed recently - could see the setting of the sun. What I would notice them, or vice versa? I wrote a whole paragraph on the setting of the sun instead of just one sentence. Then go back and watch which is the strongest image that happened to you. What image shows something new about your characters? Save the image, cut the rest. Finally, strong images will for the first time in your mind.
For those of you who are working on a novel or have been completed and are sending their work: Cling to it! I think you're never too young (or too old!) To start sending your work. Dark addition of , I have another novel I've been working for eight years and know that someday I will finish! I could not even begin to count the number of rejection letters I've received in recent years of agents, publishers, editors and competition judges. What kept me writing was the support of other friends who are writers and a dogged determination to achieve one day my writing published. There were times I never thought would happen, but now I'm so glad I kept writing. Find a writing-friend, share their work, check again and again, reading aloud, remains true to yourself and your voice no longer be up. A program of language or writing are great ways to read a lot and meet other writers. You can get a lot of good practice in writing and revising an academic program, but I would not say that the titles that are obtained are needed. If you're looking for an agent, Writers Marketplace (the book) is a great place to start. Also there are tons of blogging around with the suggestions of the agents. It's a matter of finding someone whose tastes and sensibilities match yours.
For those of you who have asked, sorry but I do not agree to take a look at their own writing and provide feedback. I'd love to have the time to do that, but I have to start working on my next book!
And for anyone who is writing about angels, some of my favorite academics are Harold Bloom, Jeffrey Burton Russell, Milton and Dante. And, of course, the Bible and extra-biblical texts and the books of Enoch and the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Since I've been writing stories I Was in middle school, so I love talking to people Who are interesting in writing. One question I get Often you have to do with What to do When you get stuck, and the Clearest advice I Can Give That Would Be about to look at the scene from A Different angle and write-through it. Say I'm trying to write a scene about two people HAVING an argument at sunset and can't figure out how to make it interesting or fresh. Sometimes, when it takes me a while to get warmed up, I'll imagine how someone else--my husband, my best friend, someone I recently argued with--might see the same sunset. What would they notice about it that I wouldn't, or vice versa? Write a whole paragraph about the sunset instead of just a sentence. Then go back and look at what is strongest image you came up with. Which image reflects something new about your characters? Save that image, cut the rest. Eventually, those strong images will pop out first in your mind. +
To those of you who are working on a novel or have finished one and are sending out your work: stick with it! I don’t think you can ever be too young (or too old!) to start sending out your work. In addition to Fallen, I have another novel I have been working on for eight years now and I know that someday I’m going to finish it! I couldn’t even begin to count how many rejection letters I’ve received over the years from agents, publishers, editors, and contest judges. What kept me writing was the support of other friends who are writers—and a dogged determination to someday get my writing published. There were times when I never thought it would happen, but now I’m so glad I kept writing. Find a writing-buddy, share your work, revise it over and over again, read it aloud, stay true to yourself and your voice, and don’t give up. An English or a Writing program are great ways to read widely and meet other writers. You can get a lot of great practice writing and revising in an academic program but I wouldn’t say the degrees you earn are necessary. If you’re looking for an agent, Writers Marketplace (the book) is a great place to start. There are also tons of publishing blogs out there with suggestions for agents. It’s mostly about finding someone whose tastes and sensibilities match yours.
To those of you who have asked, I’m sorry that I can’t agree to take a look at your own writing and offer feedback. I would love to have the time to do that, but I have to start working on my next book!!
And to anyone whose writing about angels, some of my favorite scholars are Harold Bloom, Jeffrey Burton Russell, Milton, and Dante. And of course the Bible and the extra-Biblical texts like the books of Enoch and the Dead Sea Scrolls.
About Lauren Kate
When did you start writing?
wanted to be a dancer until about 15 and told me that the foot was not right, since then, I wanted to be a writer. When I was younger, she wrote often and through a lot of genres-poetry, songs, stories, and lots of daily writing. I began focusing primarily on fiction for the time I was in high school, and long stories out to me more naturally than short stories. I majored in creative writing in college, and I got to get a master's degree in fiction, but do not think those things are necessary to be a good writer. The practice, curiosity, voracious reading, and diligence are more important than any title. I finished writing my first novel just when I graduated college, but nothing ever happened with it. It took another six years before I had a book accepted for publication.
I Want to be a ballerina Until about 15 and about WAS WAS Told I Did not Have the right feet, Ever Since Then, I've wanted to be a writer. When I was younger, I wrote often and across a lot of genres—poetry, songs, stories, lots and lots of diary writing. I started focusing mainly on fiction by the time I was in high school, and longer stories came more naturally to me than short stories. I majored in creative writing in college, and went on to get a masters degree in fiction—but I don’t think those things are necessary to being a good writer. Practice, curiosity, voracious reading, and diligence are more important than any degree. I finished writing my first novel right when I graduated college—but nothing ever happened with it. It look another six years before I had a book accepted for publication.
¿Cuáles are your favorite books?
I've always been a reader. I can not go on vacation for a weekend without at least five books. Growing up, my favorite author was Roald Dahl, and I think I read every one of his books ten times. My favorite authors of children's books and young-adults are Lois Lowry, Frances Hardinge, Meg Rosoff, Maureen Johnson, Phillip Pullman and John Green. Some of my favorite books for adults are To the Lighthouse Virginia Woolf, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez.
I've Always Been a reader. I can not go on vacation for a weekend Without at least five books. Growing up, my favorite author Roald Dahl WAS, and I think I read ten books Each of historical times. My favorite children's / YA writers Are Lois Lowry, Frances Hardinge, Meg Rosoff, Maureen Johnson, Phillip Pullman, and John Green. A few of my favorite adult books Are To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
"I can get a signed copy of or Dark Dark: The Power of Darkness or an advance copy of Passion?
Sorry but I have books enough to send one to all who ask for them! I'm testing a new service for autographed books so they are welcome to go to and order one. We also appreciate all of you who are interested in reviewing my books online and encourage you to register to Random Buzzers at the site of Random House to join the mailing list for advance copies of his books. You may obtain a copy of Passion before you leave! Write to: .
I am sorry That I Do not Have Nearly enough books to send one to all of you who ask for them! I’m trying out a new service for autographed books so you are welcome to go to and order one. I also very much appreciate all of you who are interested in reviewing my books online and I encourage you to sign up for Random Buzzers on the Random House website to get on the mailing list for advance copies of their books. Maybe you’ll get a copy of Passion before it comes out! Email .
¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?
21 de marzo, primer día de la primavera.
March 21st, first day of spring.
on publishing and promoting
How many books Dark're writing? What is the plan to publish the series? When is the next book?
Dark is the first book in a series of four books, as Passion (the third book) will explain many of the things that have happened before the beginning of the narrative of Dark. For those of you worried about the cliffhanger at the end of Dark: The Power of Darkness no! Passion begins just where it ended. Include both points of view Luce and Daniel, and it will be SO GOOD. The last book that I'm working on now is called Rapture . Brings all the characters we've met along the series and ends with a climax impressive.
Here's the release schedule for the last two books: Passion on 14 June 2011 (USA), and a recent book, Rapture, in the spring of 2012.

Fallen is the first book in the four-book series "Though Passion (the third book) will explain many of the things that have happened before the narrative of Fallen began. For those of you worried about the cliffhanger at the end of Torment—don’t! Passion picks up right where Torment left off. It’s told from both Luce and Daniel’s points of view and is going to be SO COOL. The final book, which I’m working on now is called Rapture. It brings back all the characters we’ve met over the course of the series and ends with a stunning climax.
Here’s the publication schedule for the final two books: Passion in the June 14, 2011, and a final book, Rapture, in the spring of 2012.
*The books are available in most bookstores, online, and also on Kindle and on audio! They audio version is really cool.
What are you planning for when the publication of the series is finally completed?
Something cool. Stay tuned.
... Something great. Stay tuned.
Will there be a movie?
The film rights to the four books were optioned by Disney / Mayhem Productions in December last year. Mayhem is the sharpest of Disney company, for anyone who has concerns about Disney because it is exclusively for younger children. I have to eat with people and seem very enthusiastic Disney about to go marching the film. I have no new information yet, but I hope there's more to come! I'll keep you posted on my blog. For those who asked, I love Lucy Hale for Luce, Liam Hemsworth to Daniel and Emma Stone for Arriane. (Also, there is no connection with another movie called Fallen, released in 2008.)
The film rights for all four books Were optioned by Disney / Mayhem Productions in December of last year. Mayhem is Disney edgier production company, for Anyone Who Has Concerns about Disney Being Purely for Young Kids. I got to have lunch with the Disney people and They seem really excited about getting the movie going. I do not have any new information yet, But hopefully There is more to come! I will keep you posted on my blog. For Those Who Asked, I love Lucy Hale for Luce, Liam Hemsworth for Daniel, and Emma Stone for Arriane. (Also, There is no connection to the Other movie Called Fallen, Which Came out in 2008.)
¿¡¿¡¿ I can be in the movie ?!?!?! "Will you please .....??
I wish everyone could be in the movie! All my friends and family are asking the same thing. I know nothing about casting yet (and I have nothing to do with the final decisions), but I promise, if I find an open casting for Disney, I will publish on my blog! And thanks to those of you who have sent suggestions for actors. I also think Ed would make a great Cam Westick. I will spread the word!
ALL I Wish We Could Be in the movie! All my friends and Relatives Are Asking The Same Thing. I do not know anything about casting yet (and i have nothing to do with the final Decisions), But I promise, if I hear of an open casting call from Disney, I will post it on my blog! And thanks to Those of You Who sat Along casting suggestions. I too think Ed Westick Would make a great Cam. I'll pass it Along!
SECTIONS Do you have any reading / book signing soon?
now-this week only- can vote for U.S. cities to my tour of Passion in June. Go to:
I'll be in Holland in April, another three-week tour of U.S. in June, Australia in July, Brazil and the United Kingdom in September! You can see on my site for updates.
Follow me on Twitter for updates: @ laurenkatebooks
Right now-this week only-You Can Vote on the U.S. cities for my Passion tour in June. Check out'll
in Holland in the April, On Another three week U.S. tour in June, in Australia in July, Brazil and the UK in September! Check back on my site for updates.
Follow me on twitter for more updates: @ laurenkatebooks
When is the preview of Passion? Will there be a book trailer?
Stay tuned!
Stay tuned!
I want to know more about the art of the covers! Where I can buy that dress?!
When my first editor wrote me a jpeg of the art, it took me about thirty seconds to wrap around another person's mind the image of the world and the character of Luce, but soon after that, I fell in love de ella. Tuve la misma reacción con Oscuros: El Poder de las Sombas , y la cubierta de Passion . ¡Y quiero todos los vestidos!
Many people have asked about my involvement in the cover art. I actually had nothing to do with it (which is a lucky thing for all of us)—and no, I am not the girl on the cover! She’s a model from Brazil (though I don’t know her name), the artist’s name is Fernanda Brusi Goncalves, and the cover was designed by a very talented team of designers at Random House. I did a little grateful grovel when I finally got to meet them a few months ago. I’m sorry I don’t know who designed the dress, though I’ve been told Morgan LaFaye has a very similar one in her wedding collection (Which Also Comes in black!). When my editor first
emailed me a jpeg of this art, it Took me about thirty seconds to wrap my mind around someone else's image of the world and Luce's character, But That Quickly after, I fell in love with it. I Had the Same reaction to the Torment and the Passion cover. And I want all of the dresses!
If you read most or all of this message, I really appreciate your interest. I hope that answers most questions. Thank you all for reading and sharing their thoughts with me.
If you've made it Through all of this MOST or email, I Truly Appreciate your Interest. I hope I've Answered MOST of your questions. Thank you all for reading and for sharing with me your THOUGHTS.
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