This time I bring a book to which I have really wanted him in a while, in Spain was published by the library They of Montena, and our country has not yet arrived. But because the publisher gave me their Pimero chapters along with the first of Ruby a promotional copy, and my English cousin did me the favor to receive and send it to me, I could get used to the idea and I liked it a lot. Hopefully come to our shores one day I read the whole thing!
here The author is German and has already published several books, although it is really very young. Is very well written, I think is a very cute book worthwhile. The fantasy world created Jenny was wonderful and I completely enveloped me (but only read the first chapters), the characters seem real from head to toe, but still elven blood runs through his veins.
Children of Ahris - Jenny Mai Nuyen
Revenge, jealousy, love, betrayal, honor ... All the ingredients that will delight lovers of the great novels. Myrdanos Haradonos and have never lived together in peace. In the last major battle myrdanos suffer the most humiliating defeats. A group of children, women and old men, led by Alas, a boy of only eleven years old, able to survive and take refuge in the caves of the rocks. Everyone tries to forget. All but two wings, for nine years, fed a single sentiment: revenge.
been nine years and no more powerful human kingdom Haradon.
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