Sunday, May 1, 2011

Does A D&c Remove Fibroids?

DIY FASHION: T-fringed heart

Hello! How are you ?.... I hope you really enjoy the long weekend, although no time attached, you can leverage to do stuff at home!

shall ye not know if / as a "to do list", with recipes or ideas you have, and ye do ... I have a too long in which I pointed more and more as something I inspires, but does not seem to stop growing and do not trash any ... the fact is that many times I have an idea and while I see them in stores already made, or I see someone has had the same idea ... and sometimes it was amazing! Just
that happened to me this shirt, after making the heart of pearls, I wanted to do the same but using white fringes, and the latest rebates went into Jennifer (Shop floor who never come and I do not like) and there was already made! So I chose to do me to bought it myself, since that cost 2 or 3 euros, and for that price or not buy the shirt or the fringe! But anyway I wanted to show it, if you hacérosla serves as an idea for you, is very cool start with the movement of the fringe!

  • A white shirt black
  • Fringe (about 70 cm)
I leave the link of the other shirts, all steps would be equal but sewing the fringe instead of the pearls, you can even use the template got heart! !

Well I hope you have enjoyed a
Enjoy the Dolce Vita:)


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