Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Inova Microlight Battery Replace

DIY FASHION: Renovar un vestido (Renew a dress)

Good! ! How are you? It is less for Friday! I'm happy I am learning a lot, but the bad thing is that I'm in hotel until 1 do not think this in a house, so no kitchen or anything prepared ....!!! had left a small change I made to a dress the other day was about to leave my closet because I was a bit bored of it, but I thought it was profitable, and now I feel more beautiful! Sometimes just a little touch to make a garment look other !

In this case, the dress was puffed and had a Travilla going to the hip. Los botones eran de madera, de color marrón clarito como rústicos. 

Así que con unas tijeras corte las travillas, para ponerle el cinturón a la cintura, y que quede suelto en vez de abullonado.

Cogí cuatro botones rojos y se los puse!!!

En las fotos no se aprecia mucho el cambio, pero puesto se nota mucho más!!!Algún día tendré que hacer una foto con el puesto para que you see! I hope you liked it!

Well a kiss and
Enjoy la dolce vita:)


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