Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Can I Use Crisco On Dry Skin

Vampire Academy Review: Blut (Victor Valley)

Today I bring you a brief review of a book a Barcelona writer, his work is in digital format, so you can access your website and, if interested, buy it wherever they are:)

~ ~ About the Book

Author: Victor Valles
♦ Home: Alexis Pujol
♦ Editorial: ♦
book author's Web

Who argued for eternal life? Who dreamed
not be ephemeral? Hermann
warrior returned home after a tough loss. Hailed as a hero, but a miserable feeling, takes refuge in his house and, while contemplating the portraits of his ancestors is concerned, Sarah is visited.
The strange lady grabs the warrior in his arms and ends up biting, but instead of killing him ... gives eternal life.
What will be the fate of Hermann?
After being discovered by their neighbors decides to run away and be a bloody traveling. On his way he trained as a vampire in the path of loneliness and desire to serve.

Blut is a short novel, a vampire story between Gothic and existentialist atmosphere, as it defines the author. In it he describes the dramatic and bloody life, or rather, non-life, Hermann, since a strange woman named Sarah gives eternal life.

Saray will be the mainstay of non-life Hermann, being the reason for their existence and leaving him panting, torn and shredded after each short game.

Viktor's writing reminds us of the classic literature about vampires, set work in those times when women wore long dresses and carriages traveled the streets and the plague is just around the corner.

Brief but poignant and well written with a poetic tone that reminds me at times to the books of Anne Rice, the story of our hero takes the reader to different countries such as Germany, France and Spain and its diverse landscapes gloomy, dark and bloody. Ranging from royalty, wealth and parties and decay, poverty, oppression and the stench of poverty.

Brief but worthy of a few minutes of your time, Blut is a story that readers will not indifferent, written by an author who promises a lot I think this is his first work.

~ ~ About the author

Victor Valles (Castellbell i el Vilar, 1984) met its interest in the letters at an early age but, for various reasons, their confirmation does not occur until recently. After presenting different works
signed with a pseudonym, minor breaks and other riots in 2010 introduced his blog entry Not For Everyone ( ) and is chosen for the compilation of short stories "+ Stories + Authors" (Ed. Kit-Book, story "The Fishbowl") and "The Labyrinth of the Ages" (Ed. Fergutson, story "The Last Full Moon"). In early 2011
presents his short story "Blut" (Ed. Emooby, and is selected to be part of the compilation "Tales of Mystery" (Ed. Kit-Book, the story "Broken Time").

My sincere thanks to Victor for having provided an electronic copy of their work.


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